Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Thank You Tim Kaine!

In a 90-minute 'debate', you managed to elevate former 'deemed-dumb' Vice Presidential candidates such as Dan Quayle and Joe Biden to near Mensa status. (Apologies to my Mensa friends). We, on the other hand, were subjected to 90 minutes of Cain vs Able attacks, and in most people's minds, Able won out.

Playing your assigned role as an attack dog, but doing it in a snide, sniffling, boorish and rude, and lying mode, you left the American people wondering what rock the Democrats turned over to find you. But succeed they did. Nowhere is there a candidate more fitting to run with Hillary Clinton. I'm sure that it was hard to find a candidate more undeserving than herself.

By the way, as a fact-checking comment, Social Security was not enacted to help the Little Leaguers. Little League did not start until the early 1950's, well after Social Security was enacted.

What watchers of this 'debate' should do is ask the question posed by the opposing party. "What have you got to lose?" The answer is: Only your safety and security, your job, your health care, your country, and your country's moral standing in the world. Under Hillary Clinton, everything will be for sale, including you, your children's future and our present allies, as long as there is a bit of 'vig' for her, her husband, her daughter and her foundation.

Wake up America! This election is existential. If she and Kaine can garner enough of the bought out, illegal, ignorant, undereducated and unthinking voters. you can kiss your country goodbye. Especially if her health should fail catastrophically and he become President. WOW! What a thought.

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