Wednesday, July 28, 2010

John Kerry Should Avoid Boats

What is it with Senator John Kerry (D MA) and boats? The Swift Boat controversy almost derailed his presidential campaign. Then there was that ridiculous photo of him on a sailfish wearing flowered Bermuda shots. Almost as bad as the photo of Dukakis riding in a tank. And now he's been caught docking his seven million dollar boat in Newport, Rhode Island to avoid paying Massachusetts sales tax and excise tax.

Now I don't fault Kerry for having a yacht, or for being affluent. That's America. I do, however, have problems with him, of all people, not paying his fair share of taxes. John Kerry has received a federal or state salary, paid by the taxpayers, for most of his adult life. Moreover, as a liberal Democrat, he espouses the cause of the poor and less fortunate, who in the last analysis, rely on government subsidies and entitlements paid for by the taxes of others. Kerry's only contact with the poor and less fortunate seems to be when he gets out of his limousine at Fenway Park and walks to the front of the line (Courtesy of Boston Globe).

Maybe it's the company he keeps in Washington. There's Tim Geitner, the tax cheat, who heads the IRS. Then there's Senator Chris Dodd who got a favorable home loan from Countryside, a company he helped bail out. And on the House side, you've got Charley Rangle, who forgot that he owned property in the Dominiccan Republic when he filed his taxes. Plus former Senator Tom Daschle and any number of others.

It's time to send them a message, folks, and evict them all from their cushy government jobs. November is coming. Vote them out.

We need Senators and Congressman who come from the people, who represent the people, and who retire after a couple of terms. Long-term incumency breeds arrogance and a feeling that they know best what people want and need, forgetting that they have been cloistered in Washington and isolated from America.

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