Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Donald

Perhaps it is now time for America to put a "Clown" in the White House.

This week, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States. Immediately, the Media, both Left and Right, began what will be a prolonged attack, not on the message, but on the messenger. Fair game for this misdirected attack were his hair style, his three marriages, his wealth, the length of his announcement speech and his grammar. These were summarized by one media commentator who described Trump as a "clown".

Now Donald Trump does not exactly match the characteristics that I think of for President of the United States. Not when I look back to our Founding Fathers and think about the sacrifices made by George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson in designing and implementing our form of government at the considerable risk of their very lives and fortunes. Donald Trump does not spring to mind when I recall later Presidents such as Abraham Lincoln, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, John Kennedy (...well, maybe the hairdo...) or Ronald Reagan. At this point, however, given the current status of our nation, I feel that we cannot afford to elect a President from today's available cast of characters, and are thus left with our best option being to elect Donald Trump, even if he is perceived by some to be no more than a "clown".

With regard to his hairdo, would the left media have been more satisfied if he wore his hair longer, dirtier, tied in dreadnoughts and colored orange, which seems to be the color-of-the-day for the left, although yellow might be more appropriate. He might then pick up a few votes from the Occupy Wall Street crowd.

With regard to his three marriages, he has been there to help raise his five children and not left behind single mothers tied to the welfare system.  Besides, three is far fewer than the number of bimbos seduced or raped by Bill Clinton in just the eight years of his tenure.  And this under the watchful eye of his faithful wife, who had her own priorities.

With regard to his wealth, he used it as a means of demonstrating his financial capabilities in our capitalistic system, wealth earned through hard work, and not by selling American assets to foreign countries in return for donations to a "Charitable Organization" in which it appears that charity begins at home. He has promised to use this capability to rebuild our cities and our infrastructure, and his track record shows that he is the most capable candidate for doing so. He is a builder.

He has promised to use his negotiating skills to make America rich again, by negotiating fair trading policies, not by trying to pass a Fast Track trade pact loaded with gimme's for every Congressman who supports it. Ross Perot once said that every time he sat in a tent to negotiate with Arabs he felt that they wanted him to leave the tent naked. Will someone please explain this to John Kerry and Barrack Obama?

He has promised to build a real fence along our southern border. Most countries use border fences to keep people in. We have to keep them out. America cannot survive with unlimited border crossings bringing in masses of people to saturate its schools, medical facilities and social services. Foreign aid at an affordable percentage of our assets and income is reasonable, but as with everything, there are limits beyond which rational people cannot go. Try explaining this to your Congressman or Senator.

With regard to the length of his speech and his grammar, please note that he spoke from a few notes and without a teleprompter. Some other politicians are able to do this also, but what comes spewing from their mouth is the opposite of how they act when the cameras are turned off.

Mr Trump was criticized by Fox News analysts for not having recruited and hired professional campaign operatives, and noted that the best had probably already committed themselves to other campaigns. Yes, the professional pundits who advised John McCain and Mitt Romney, and handed the White House over to Barrack Obama for eight years of posturing at private cocktail parties while his country slowly slipped back towards the nineteenth century and race relations deteriorated to pre- Jim Crow days.

Yes, Donald Trump is different.  He is not your ordinary politician. In fact, and thankfully, he is NOT a politician. He does not need polls or hired campaign pundits to tell him which way the wind is blowing. He, like most Americans living in today's America, knows which way the wind is blowing, and it is blowing the country into hazardous waters.

Show me a current politician of either party who isn't talking from both sides of his mouth and who has at least some of the basic skills and experience needed to save America, and I might take a second look, but in the meantime, "Bring On The Clowns". Good luck, Mr. Trump.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


To vote or not to vote. that is the question.

There does not appear to be a candidate from either the Democratic or Republican party who would make it worthwhile to pay postage to request an absentee ballot, nor to make any effort to cast a vote.

On the Democratic side, a Hillary Clinton nomination appears to be a foregone conclusion.  The party will nominate her and back her, even if it requires a last minute brain transplant and the services of a taxidermist and a puppeteer.  They have no one else.

Her credentials?  Who needs them?  She can lie with the best of them.  And she is as experienced as anyone at ducking questions, passing the buck and destroying evidence.  She learned at the side of a master, her husband Bill, one of the few American presidents to be impeached, and the only one ever disbarred from practicing law. A President whose lasting legacy is that he taught America's teenagers the meaning of oral sex.

Her understanding of economics must be unbelievable.  From "broke" in 2000 to a net worth in excess of $180 million in 2015, without ever having produced anything other than a self-serving autobiography, or provided any service of value is astounding.  She makes convicted swindler Bernie Madoff look like an amateur. Yet he is in prison and she isn't, at least not as yet.

Her ethics?  Again, who really cares?  Who cares that her Chief of Staff, Vince Foster, walked out into the park and killed himself.  Or that she has a former business partner, Webster Hubbell, who sacrificed himself, accepted all the blame for their financial manipulations and served a prison sentence to protect her (and presumably to provide for his family). Or that she keeps a female Muslim 'friend' on her staff. It's a long-term 'friendship', so presumably they have much in common, starting with the fact that they both remain married to perverts.

Nowhere is there to be found any evidence of Hillary's selflessness, only example after example of her selfishness and self interest. Yet, in today's America, she is a brand name and therefore marketable.  People will buy anything if you package it correctly and tout the hell out of it.  In her case, the packaging could stand some improvement, unless overfilled pants suits become the norm.

There it is.  In today's America where half the voters cannot name the Vice-President or a single Congressman or Senator, she will most likely be nominated and win.  God help us.

On the Republican side, we currently have the 'gang of sixteen' (or is it twenty?) wannabe's, who taken altogether don't add up to a Harry Truman or a Ronald Reagan, never mind a George Washington or a John Adams.

Jeb Bush is the self-proclaimed front-runner, although the polls don't support his assumptions.  He is determined to show that he can be a better President than his father or his brother, really a trivial goal, but can't even sell that to Iowans,  The rest of the field will destroy each other by sacrificing their integrity, issue by issue, to try to pick up a few votes from the Black community, or the Hispanic community or the so-called Independents, who will ultimately vote for the candidate with the most television ads.

Donald Trump, not yet even a candidate, has already disavowed the First Amendment, and Ben Carson, who would make a good Surgeon General, is ready to give away the Second Amendment. Rand Paul is still trying to figure out if he is a Republican, a RINO or part Libertarian. Rick Perry, even though he has learned to count to three, is not a serious candidate, and Marco Rubio is the candidate of the latest fad.  And so it goes.  There is no winner here.  God help us.